Change activity in Jerusalem
Jerusalem - In the footsteps of Jesus

Jerusalem - In the footsteps of Jesus

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Start tour on Mt. of Olives for view of the Old and New city. Visit the Patre Nostre and the site of Mary’s Ascension, and view the Prayer of the Lord written in 123 languages. 
Walk down to Dominus Flevit, the site where Jesus foresaw the destruction of Jerusalem. Continue to Gardens of Gethsemane, church of all nations, place where Jesus was betrayed by Judas to the Romans. Overlook Valley of Kidron to see the tombs of Absalom, Jeosphate and Zaccariah from 2nd temple period. 
Enter the old city at Lions Gate to visit Church of St. Anne, the home of Mary and the pool of Bethesda.
Visit the Notre Dame De Sion – location of the striped pavement (Litho Strosos) where Jesus was condemned and where the Via Dolorosa begins. Return to hotels.


• Modest dress required.
• Minimum 4 participants.